Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Magical Maggie

I have written a novel! It is called Magical Meggie. I get to get it published and I have sumbited it! I am so excited. I get a free copy. I love to write stores and have written a bunch of stores.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Fighting Cancer

When mom found out that she had cancer we started to read the Book of Mormon Camryn learned how to read, and loved to read the book of Mormon.

Once mom started having chemo we would wear pink for her every Wednesday.  Our shirts say, ''I wear pink for my mom.'' Mom fighting cancer was a big trial in our life but mom was strong and fought cancer.

When mom had her last day of chemo we all came and we bring her flowers and we all got to ring the bell. We were so excited for mom, it was a big day.

When mom found out that she had cancer it was the day that Taylor gave mom this bracelet and he didn't know that mom had cancer. When he gave her the bracelet he said, "Lots of M's for When mom found out that she had cancer it was the day that Taylor gave mom this bracelet and he didn't know that mom had cancer. When he gave her the bracelet he said, "Lots of M's for mom."

Friday, February 12, 2016

Making out Lightsabers!

  Every week I look forward to Thursday, because every Maker day we get to make, our create something. Our first Maker day we made lightsabers! We watched this video and listed the things that we needed. We spray painted the pvc pip. I didn't take to long to make them. Making our lightsabers was really fun.

When ever people come to our house we like to show them our lightsabers. Maybe you could watch this video and then you could make a lightsaber. It was pretty easy to shop because all the things we needed to buy they were all at Home Depot.  

This video is a Home Depot lightsaber build.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Finishing Number The Stars

One day Mom gave me this book, Number The Stars and she said that she had read when she was a girl.  Mom had liked the book and wanted me to read it. So I said "Ok."

I started to read the book.  At first, it was not very interesting and I said to Mom, "This is not much fun."

I had not done my reading for the day so I kept on reading it. The further I got into the book, the more interesting it became. When I finished the book I said, "This is my favorite book ever! I want to buy it."

At our weekly homeschool symposium we share what we learned, a goal that we accomplished, and something we have made.  I shared that I had finished reading Number the Stars.

I shared the my summary of the book, here it is:

Annemarie and her best friend Ellen are pretending to be sisters because Ellen is Jewish and some soldiers want to take Jewish people away. One night, Annemarie's mom is on the phone with her Ellen's mother and is going to have a sleep over with Ellen because that night soldiers are going to come take them away. That is when they pretend to be sisters. Annemarie doesn't know why Ellen is spending the night over at her home, then her father tells her. "Ellen and her family are  Jewish and soldiers came here and they are going to take away all the Jewish people. Don't worry Soldiers probably won't come to our house, if they do just say you are Annemarie's sister, Lise."
The girls went to Annemarie's room to get ready for bed they laughed and had fun and then they went to bed. Early that morning Annemarie woke up. She was woken up by the rain then she heard a knock on the door, it was Soldiers!! "Ellen, Ellen wake up! Soldiers are here. Take of your necklace."
 Ellen was waring the star of David. "I can't get it of! I never take it of and forget how to!"
"Hold on this will hurt." Annamarie yanked the necklace of Ellen. Then the Soldiers came in the room. they saw that the girls were awake then the talked the Soldiers asked what the girls name was He asked Annamarie. "My name is Annemarie and this is my sister Li....
"Wait. She can tell me her name."
"Lise sir." The Soldiers left and then Annamarie's mom called Uncle Henrik and latter that day they went to Uncle Henrik house. A few days later Ellen's parents came to get her and Peter had something for Uncle Henrik. When he was going out of the house her dropped it and then later Annemarie finds the thing. She doesn't know what it is but her mother said, "Take this to Uncle Henrik and if anyone stops you pretend you are a crazy little girl that is taking you funny Uncle that forget his lunch. Annemarie is walking through the woods when soldiers stop and they have dogs. She does as her mother says and the Soldiers go through the food in the basket and when they get to the bottom the rip the thing that Annemarie was going to give to Uncle Henrik then she saw what is was in was a handkerchief. Then the soldiers keep on going on. Annemarie put all the stuff in the basket and then went to Uncle Henrik.

Later that day she asked Uncle Henrik about the handkerchief. He says that it ruins the dogs smell because the dogs are trained to smell Jewish people:

I know that this  is a long summary it is a good story and there are a lot of important parts. I would encourage you to read it. Thank you for reading this page.

       (This is the star of David. Ellen's necklace)