Saturday, February 13, 2016

Fighting Cancer

When mom found out that she had cancer we started to read the Book of Mormon Camryn learned how to read, and loved to read the book of Mormon.

Once mom started having chemo we would wear pink for her every Wednesday.  Our shirts say, ''I wear pink for my mom.'' Mom fighting cancer was a big trial in our life but mom was strong and fought cancer.

When mom had her last day of chemo we all came and we bring her flowers and we all got to ring the bell. We were so excited for mom, it was a big day.

When mom found out that she had cancer it was the day that Taylor gave mom this bracelet and he didn't know that mom had cancer. When he gave her the bracelet he said, "Lots of M's for When mom found out that she had cancer it was the day that Taylor gave mom this bracelet and he didn't know that mom had cancer. When he gave her the bracelet he said, "Lots of M's for mom."

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