Thursday, March 31, 2016

My Suzuki book one recital

On Friday, March 25th I had my Suzuki book one recital. Earlier in the week I handed out my invitations. People started to come at 6:55 and I thought that it was only 6:35! When the first person came my mom had just done my hair. When it was time to start the recital I was excited but a little nervous too. For my recital I told my published story called, "Magical Meggie," and I played songs as they fit the mood of the story. I did not play all my songs perfectly but I did do really well. I only messed up on four or five  songs. After the recital we had refreshments upstairs. One of the treats were my cookies, that me and Taylor sell in our business.
I had a fun recital, and I am excited to have my Suzuki book two recital.

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