Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Emi Dates

My siblings and I have been having Emily dates every week! Our last date everybody got to go and get snow cones. They were good, and I had three flavors. Rootbeer, orange, and I forgot the other kind, but it was yummy. One of my favorites dates was going to the trampoline place. Camryn and I went together. I practiced my flips and there were lots of other fun things to do there also. There was a pit, tramps, a climbing wall, and lots more. The Emily dates were fun, and I can't wait to go on more.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

My Bunny

I'm getting a bunny!!! This is going to be my favorite pet and friend! I have learned all about bunnies and now I just need to practice feeding them and cleaning up pee and poo, and in two weeks I'm getting a bunny! I am so excited! One interesting fact the bunny store owner told us is that if you just keep your bunny in its cage and don't play and hold it for a while, it won't let you pick it up anymore. I was holding and petting a grey bunny and it started to climb up my chest! Then it smelled my shoulder and then it just laid on my shoulder! I want that grey one! The bunnies at the store were only $29.99! Taylor, Camryn, and I are all getting bunnies so we are going to have three bunnies!   

Friday, April 22, 2016


Yesterday I had game day at Academy. I had a lot of fun. My team was winning 9-0 until both coaches started to play with the other team, and the coaches weren't going easy! It was not fair. The white team scored a goal, but my team was still winning! I scored a goal too! One person on my team was dribbling the ball and someone on the other team tried to steal it, but he quickly passed it to me and I was fast enough to beat everybody to the goal. I was dribbling and I kicked the ball hard, and it scored! When game day was over the score was 12-2, and our team won. The position I love most is offense because I love to score goals. That was my last day of Academy because I am the oldest in the whole group, so I am going to practice with the club girls that are eight so I will get better. I will miss Academy, I'll miss my new friends, and a lot of other things. I loved doing Academy, and I want to practice with them again.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Ice skating lessons

In March Camryn and I took ice skating lessons. I learned a lot. The things that my teacher had me practice were Basic one skills: sit on the ice and stand back up, two-foot hop, dip, two-foot glide, and forward swizzles. These skills were easy, so when I went to public skate to practice my tricks, I practiced Basic one skills and Basic 2 and 3 skills which were forward one-foot glide, backward swizzles, two-foot spin, backward one-foot glide, and lots more. When I got my papers to see if I passed the level or not, I was excited to hear that I had passed Basic 1. I had fun taking ice skating lessons, and I wish that I could have done more lessons.  I started soccer, so I didn't get to take lessons anymore, but I found my winter sport.

Friday, April 15, 2016


A while ago I started sewing lessons. My first project was to sew a pillow. It took about four or five lessons but I was a beginner, and had just started. When I finished my pillow my sewing teacher gave me a prize. It was a sewing kit. My next project was an apron. We had to sew a lot to get the apron done. Once I finished the apron, I got to decide if I wanted to sew a lap blanket or pjs. I decided to sew pjs. They were hard. We had to sew along a curved line. I got ahead and Taylor was still working on his pjs when I had finished. I had already bought some other fabric because I wanted to sew another pair of pjs so I started my other pair. Once I finished I could choose my next project. I really wanted to sew a dress, so I started to make a dress. I have not finished it yet but I am excited to finish it and also excited to wear it!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


On Thursday my family and I went camping. We had a lot of fun. When we got to our camping place we went to ask the owners if their park was opened (we were going to camp at Nuns Park), but the owner said that their park wasn't open until Saturday. He also said that about 4 miles up the road was another camp site called Deer Creek so we drove up there and luckily it was opened! We picked our site and then set up camp. Once camp was set up we started the fire so we could make dinner. Our dinner was hot dogs, and for dessert we had pineapple upside down cake. It was so yummy. We went to bed really late, probaly around 10:30pm. Then we went to get ready for bed. We fell asleep, but I had so much trouble staying warm. My legs were so cold, and I was still wearing dad's big fleece coat and my big coat but I was still very cold. I was the first to wake up. For breakfast we had oatmeal, hot chocolate, and left over pineapple upside down cake. Once we had eaten breakfast We rode our bikes to the beach. Me and Taylor tried to catch little baby prairie dogs, but we didn't catch one. We came back to our camp and had lunch.

 Then Taylor, Dad, and I went on a huge hike. We had to walk all the way from our camp to the other camp site, probably about 2 miles! Then we hiked the hill about a couple thousand feet. (It was big.) Once we got to the top of the mountain we had to go down the mountain. It was steep. When we got to the bottom of the hill, we were going to swim from the mountain to our camp site. The swim was a big one too. But then Taylor talked to a family in a boat and they gave us a ride to our camp. Once we went back to our camp, we had dinner and then we started to pack up. Once we were packed up we went to our cousin's house and roasted smores with them. I had a great time camping and I want to go another time soon.

We are on the very top of this hill.  

Monday, April 11, 2016

Reading to my siblings

Today I decided that I want to read fun books to my younger siblings; books like "The Mouse and the Motorcycle," "Stuart Little," and some other fun kid books. I started reading "Charlotte's Web" to Camryn and Deacon. We've read to page 17.  In the story Fern saves a pig, and she names the pig Wilbur.

One day at school she was still thinking about her pig's name when her school teacher asked her, "Fern, what is the capital of Pennsylvania?"

"Wilbur," Fern answered.

I have all ready watched the movie a couple times, but Iv'e only read the book once. Camryn and Deacon both liked the pig best, and I like Fern and Wilbur. In the book is Fern is my age, 8, and so that is fun for me.