Thursday, May 5, 2016

Soccer with the eight-year old club team

On Thursday I started soccer with the eight-year old club team. They cancelled my first day of practice so I got to have game day at Academy.  The next pratice, it was rainy so they cancelled it too! The next practice it was going to rain but we needed to practice so they had us practice indoors. At practice I learned some new turns. We played a game and it was one person on their own team and the other team had two people. I was the person that was on my own team and we were trying to score goals, and I was the one that scored the goal even though I did not have a partner. After that we had a scrimmage. I don't really remember what the score was but I had fun.  Today I get to pratice with them again and I'm excited. In a couple weeks I am going to tryout again and I'm really hoping that I make one of the teams.

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